
Do you pay too much in rent?

Rent control in Denmark
Rent control in Denmark
  • Free assessment
  • No Cure No Pay
  • 98% succesrate


Legal Adviser

Published den 1. Oktober 2019.

In Denmark there are rules for how much a landlord can take in rent. Yet there are more than 100,000 tenants who pay too much in rent. Sometimes by the landlord himself, the rent is fixed too high. This is because the rules for rent setting are complex and difficult to understand.

Do I always have a claim to get my rent reduced?

The answer is not easy to give. However, as a starting point, it must be said that the main rules on rent-fixing are applied only to homes built before 1991. This is because the Folketing has wanted to accommodate new building on the idea that more housing would be built if they are not subject to strict requirements for rental fees. There are different methods of determining the rent, and these depend on the nature of the home. If your home is built after 1991, you can only get a reduction on your rent in a few cases.

Why to let BOLANDO help you? 
BOLANDO is experts in The Danish Rental Law and we helps hundreds of tenants every month. Our concept is simple, easy and fair.  We initially offer a free assessment of your case. If the result of our assessment is positive we will  then offer you too handle the case. The price is on a No Cure No Pay basis. If we not achieve money back to you from your landlord you don’t have to pay us. If we win the case you only have  to pay a percentage of the amount we win for you. 

Cost-specific rental

In determining the cost of renting, the rent must be fixed on the basis of the costs that the lessor has to operate the property plus a business supplement.

In addition, there will be provision for maintenance and a possible improvement supplement, only if the lessor has renovated the property. It should be noted here that the lessor should reasonably be able to demonstrate that such improvement has taken place.

However, not all costs incurred by the lessor may be taken into account when the rent is to be fixed. For example, the cost of mortgages must not be included. There are also specific rules on when the lessor can use cost-specific rents. Therefore, as a tenant, it can be difficult to figure out what the lessor has in terms of costs, and whether this method may be used.

Value of the lease

In the municipalities where the Housing Regulatory Act does not apply, the rent is determined on the basis of the rental value of the property. This means that the rent is determined by comparing the rental price with similar housing. This calculation shall take into account the condition and location of the property, including the size, inventory, nature and level of the property. For example, the rent will be affected by whether there are white goods in the property for which the landlord has paid, whether the property is located in one of the larger Danish cities, or whether the property is in good or bad condition.

Free Market Rental

If the above methods are not to be used, the lessor will be able to fix the rent from the market rent. This means that, as a starting point, the landlord can decide for himself how high the rent should be, unless it is very unreasonable.

Are you in doubt about your rights as tenant in Denmark?

If you think your rent is too high, our experts can make a free assessment.  Afterwards you can decide if you want our help. Our service will be on a no-cure-no-pay basis. If we reduce you rent you will only have to pay a percentage of the amount we save you.